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 Noma ngabe ungathanda ukuthwebula imininingwane yezinyoni nokuziphatha kwezilwane zasendle ngaphakathi kwepherimitha ebekiwe, nciphisa ukuncipha esitolo sakho sokuthengisa noma uhlela ukwakha ipaki yezimboni,  Amakhamera wethu we-CCTV athuthukile kwezobuchwepheshe esiwafakayo futhi esiwahlanganisayo azohlangabezana nezidingo zakho ezihlukile nezidingo zakho. 

Access Control Card Printing

I-CCTV Inganciphisa izindleko zesondlo

Izinselelo: Indawo esebenza ngokuganga kanye nezindleko eziphakeme zabantu  

Uhlelo lokudluliswa kwe-turbine yomoya lwakhiwa ngamakhasi, ama-hubs, imiphini emikhulu, amabhokisi wamagiya, kanye nokuhlangana. Umsebenzi wawo omkhulu ukuguqula amandla e-kinetic omoya abe ngamandla womshini wokujikeleza, bese kuba ngamandla kagesi. Njengento esemqoka emandleni omoya, lawa ma-injini ophephela emoyeni adinga ukugcinwa okujwayelekile. 

Interested in printing your own? We can get you started!

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